Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Intelligent relays are a control and monitoring system for low-voltage electric motors using advanced technologies and network data transmission capabilities. In addition, the modular structure allows you to expand the functionality of the protection device, use automatic configuration of hardware, free software and communication via USB port.



SRW01. Technical specifications




All WEG products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant WEG: multi-voltage asynchronous electric motors with brake, low-voltage, high-voltage, synchronous, three-phase, single-phase
  • High-voltage motors. 1250kw WEG
    High-voltage motors. 1250kw
    W50, etc.
  • High-voltage motors. 3000kw WEG
    High-voltage motors. 3000kw
    H-HGF, etc.
  • High-voltage engines. 50000kw WEG
    High-voltage engines. 50000kw
    M-MAA et al.
  • Gear motors WEG
    Gear motors
    WG20 C00, etc.
  • Intelligent relays WEG
    Intelligent relays
    SRW01 et al.
  • Frequency converters WEG
    Frequency converters
    CFW11M et al.
  • Soft start devices WEG
    Soft start devices
    SSW-06, etc.
  • Marine electric motors WEG
    Marine electric motors
    BFG EEx de et al.
  • Engines for hazardous areas WEG
    Engines for hazardous areas
    W22Xd EFF2, etc.
  • Multivolt engines. cast iron WEG
    Multivolt engines. cast iron
    W21 EFF1 et al.
  • Multivoltage engines. alum. WEG
    Multivoltage engines. alum.
    W21 Top Premium, etc.
  • Engines with cast iron brakes WEG
    Engines with cast iron brakes
    W21 EFF2 et al.
  • Intrinsically safe engines WEG
    Intrinsically safe engines
    Ex nA EFF2 et al.
  • The engines are higher. safety WEG
    The engines are higher. safety
    Ex e EFF2 et al.
  • Explosion-proof engines WEG
    Explosion-proof engines
    Ex d EFF2 et al.
  • Engines for smoke extraction systems. WEG
    Engines for smoke extraction systems.
    F200, etc.
  • Engines with aluminum brake. WEG
    Engines with aluminum brake.
    W21 EFF2 et al.
  • Synchronous electric motors WEG
    Synchronous electric motors
    SDPM et al .
  • Engines with frequency. drives WEG
    Engines with frequency. drives
    IP55 EFF2, etc.
  • Three-phase electric motors WEG
    Three-phase electric motors
    W22 280, etc.
  • Single-phase electric motors WEG
    Single-phase electric motors
    W22 63 et al.
  • Engines for ventilation WEG
    Engines for ventilation
    W22 63 et al.

About WEG

WEG Group (Brazil) is one of the world's largest manufacturers of electric motors in the world. The company produces high-tech three-phase asynchronous electric motors for standard and special applications, industrial automation equipment and large electrical machines.

    WEG Corporation is the only manufacturer in the world that has mass-produced a full line of engines with IE4 energy efficiency.
  • development

    The company's production is concentrated on 8 production sites located in Brazil, three in Argentina, two in Mexico, one in China and in Portugal.
  • reliability

    At its factory complexes, WEG manages the entire process from the casting and stamping stage to the painting and packaging of equipment.

Information Board WEG

Learn more about our products WEG.
  • Equipment catalog бренда WEG
    Equipment catalog
  • Questionnaire for electric motors в магазине WEG
    Questionnaire for electric motors


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