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All WEG products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant WEG: multi-voltage asynchronous electric motors with brake, low-voltage, high-voltage, synchronous, three-phase, single-phase
  • High-voltage motors. 1250kw WEG
    High-voltage motors. 1250kw
    W50, etc.
  • High-voltage motors. 3000kw WEG
    High-voltage motors. 3000kw
    H-HGF, etc.
  • High-voltage engines. 50000kw WEG
    High-voltage engines. 50000kw
    M-MAA et al.
  • Gear motors WEG
    Gear motors
    WG20 C00, etc.
  • Intelligent relays WEG
    Intelligent relays
    SRW01 et al.
  • Frequency converters WEG
    Frequency converters
    CFW11M et al.
  • Soft start devices WEG
    Soft start devices
    SSW-06, etc.
  • Marine electric motors WEG
    Marine electric motors
    BFG EEx de et al.
  • Engines for hazardous areas WEG
    Engines for hazardous areas
    W22Xd EFF2, etc.
  • Multivolt engines. cast iron WEG
    Multivolt engines. cast iron
    W21 EFF1 et al.
  • Multivoltage engines. alum. WEG
    Multivoltage engines. alum.
    W21 Top Premium, etc.
  • Engines with cast iron brakes WEG
    Engines with cast iron brakes
    W21 EFF2 et al.
  • Intrinsically safe engines WEG
    Intrinsically safe engines
    Ex nA EFF2 et al.
  • The engines are higher. safety WEG
    The engines are higher. safety
    Ex e EFF2 et al.
  • Explosion-proof engines WEG
    Explosion-proof engines
    Ex d EFF2 et al.
  • Engines for smoke extraction systems. WEG
    Engines for smoke extraction systems.
    F200, etc.
  • Engines with aluminum brake. WEG
    Engines with aluminum brake.
    W21 EFF2 et al.
  • Synchronous electric motors WEG
    Synchronous electric motors
    SDPM et al .
  • Engines with frequency. drives WEG
    Engines with frequency. drives
    IP55 EFF2, etc.
  • Three-phase electric motors WEG
    Three-phase electric motors
    W22 280, etc.
  • Single-phase electric motors WEG
    Single-phase electric motors
    W22 63 et al.
  • Engines for ventilation WEG
    Engines for ventilation
    W22 63 et al.


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